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«Нужны ли отметки в школе» (case-studying). 10 класс

Добавлено : Дата: в разделе: Новости начальной школы

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Формы работы: фронтальная, в группах.

  • образовательные: развивать навыки спонтанной речи.
  • развивающие: способствовать развитию критического мышления.Учить работать в группах.
  • воспитательные: акцентирование внимания учащихся на необходимости хорошо учиться, быть воспитанными, ответственными людьми. 

Password: “Knowledge is Power”

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент: How are you? Are you happy? What makes you happy? Do marks at school make you happy?

II. Постановка целей урока и мотивация учебной деятельности.

Look at the blackboard. What do you think we are going to speak about? What is your personal task today? How do you understand the Password?

III. Работа в группах. Учитель задает вопрос, учащиеся обсуждают его в течение 1, 2, 3 минут (по установке учителя). Один ученик излагает мнение группы. За ответ на доске выставляются баллы. Таким образом проходит соревнование команд.

Вопросы учителя:

  1. What are the basic reasons for having marks at school? (evaluation and a powrful weapon to make students learn, etc.)
  2. Can you imagine a school without marks? What problems could pupils face in such school?
  3. What might influence a teacher when he or she is giving a mark?
  4. Imagine a student has got a good (bad) mark. What feelings will his or her parents experience? (rebukes, complaints, praising)
  5. Name 5 things that usually cause problems for students when they study? (missing classes, playing truent,  thoughtlessness, bad discipline, working by fits and starts) 
  6. Do all teachers explain why they give a certain mark to a certain student? (Give whys and wherefores, assessment praise)
  7. How do you think good marks influence students?
  8. Do you know how to motivate a weak student to learn better?


Продолжение обсуждения.

  1. Suggest some alternative ways of evaluating students' progress
  2. What do you think about self – assessment or about the assessment of your classmates?
  3. Is it necessary for the teacher to be always strict with the class?  Try to define what kind of person an ideal teacher should be? (carefree, worried, strict, friendly, kind, understanding, ambitious, responsible etc)

IV. Role play. (Ролевая игра).

Составьте диалоги, основанные на ситуациях. Каждая группа получает ситуацию и разыгрывает диалог.

  1. You have got the mark which is lower than, in your opinion, it must be. Prove that you are right.
  2. You have got a bad mark for your dictation. You expect rebuke from your parents. Try to assure them that you will do your best next time.
  3. The results of your school work for the semester have been announced. You are not satisfied with them. Try to convince the teachers that the bad marks have been caused by your illness. Ask your teachers for permission to have another test.

V. Рефлексия.

  1. What did you do today?
  2. What conclusion have you come to? Do we need marks at school? Do they make students learn?
  3. How active have you been in this discussion?

VI. Подведение итогов соревнования.

Are you satisfied with the results?

Домашнее задание: написать эссе на тему: “Do we heed marks at school?”

Приложение 1.

Слова по теме:

convince, evaluate, get promotion, hold the opinion that, rebuke, complaint, laziness, praise, cause troubles, responsible, ambitious, do well at school, lack of self-discipline, achieve better results, work by fits and starts, insubordination, disobey, stronger and weaker points, play truant, talented, inborn capacities, lag behind, set to work, strengthen, positive attitude, plausible, assessment, it is desirable, whys and wherefores, well – founded influence, to assure, announce, permission, encourage.

(Можно к каждому из вопросов выписать отдельный список слов для обсуждения учащимися вопросов в группах).


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